Tag: disclosure

QAnon – I veri numeri del Virus in Cina

3896 Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b32e47 No.8537514 Mar 23 2020 23:13:55 (UTC) La presenza di un grande serbatoio di virus del tipo SARS-CoV nei pipistrelli, insieme all cultura di mangiare…

QAnon 22 Marzo 2020 – Non Avere Paura


COVID-19/CORONAVIRUS – Dal Blog di Emery Smith – Uno sguardo a quello che accade in USA ma con delle possibili soluzioni al Covid19

dal Blog di Emery Smith La mia opinione, esperienza e informazioni disponibili: Lo scopo di questo post sul blog è quello di essere informativo e fattuale nel tentativo di…

Chi è QAnon? Che cos’è Q? – Introduzione a Q

Introduzione a Q Chi è QAnon? Che cos’è Q? – Introduzione a Q Di Deborah Franklin. Chi è Q? Che cos’è Q? E, forse soprattutto, perché Q? Q e il…

Hidden History by thecrowhouse

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will…

Quattro Funzioni di QAnon

Quattro Funzioni di QAnon. Di Martin Geddes da DisclosureNews Il programma di intelligence militare Q è un pilastro di un processo globale di risanamento politico e finanziario. Ecco perché è…

Reset Finanziario Globale Incombe – Ben Fulford

Articolo Il Pentagono Prevede di Deportare I Sionisti, Mentre Il Reset Finanziaro Globale Sta Emergendo Il Complesso Militare-Industriale degli Stati Uniti sta prendendo serie misure contro i Sionisti e…

Ascension & End Times Prophecy QnA- Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves

End-time prophesies can be found throughout the myths and legends of every major culture and religion on Earth. Are these prophesies based on actual events from the past? Is…

Cosmic Briefing – David Wilcock & Corey Goode Reunion Interview 2019

The first interview with David Wilcock and Corey Goode since they left their weekly hit television series. DAVID WILCOCK & COREY GOODE RETURN The video goes live 9pm est…


You’re already used to little lies. And what about the big ones? Is it possible that even greater secrets exist? Who are the Grey Men and the Parasites? Why…

David Wilcock: Antarctic Atlantis and Secret Space Program 2019

Are we on the verge of hearing about ruins under the Antarctic ice, directly from the mainstream media itself? Is this a last-ditch plan to distract us from other…

Some Truths You Probably Don’t Really Want to Hear

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will…

Ancient Aliens, Cosmic Cycles & Ascension – David Wilcock – Dimensions of Disclosure 2018

Releasing/Publishing 2018 Dimensions of Disclosure videos. My Thanks to David Wilcock for appearing at my event in Loveland Colorado in August of 2018. Previously released on Davids Channel.

David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil

Join David in this epic two-hour tour-de-force of highly classified insider information revealing the true multi-million-year cosmic history of our solar system. A battle rages on between the forces…

Corey Goode A Huge Disclosure Battle is Taking Place Right Now

https://youtu.be/FB2cKHUkltM COAST TO COAST AM. According to Corey Goode, a partial disclosure narrative is rolling out from the powers-that-be with the announcement of the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program. He…

The Netherlands’ Forgotten History: the Parasitic Takeover | Holland and Tartaria

Original video by Age of Disclosure (banned): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSNG… From ancient palaces in the Golden Age to the Dutch Central Bank, what exactly happened to the old architecture and why were…


Mirrored and Remixed video from Age of Disclosure channel (closed)!

Il Significato Esoterico di Come Sopra Così Sotto

Dal sito https://www.disclosurenews.it/il-sign… Musica di Jonny Easton Soft Piano Music – Royalty Free – Summit https://youtu.be/ZH5B_C8r9Dk

ET & High Density Being Communications – Above Majestic – Corey Goode & Roger Richards

Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads…

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Emery Smith at Dimensions of Disclosure

#davidwilcock#coreygoode#emerysmith Dimensions of Disclosure talk with David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Time travel, alien races, ascension, telepathy and more. Sign in to stay in touch with David at http://dwilcock.com


Sign up for the entire series at https://www.secretspaceprogram.com Insider and classified scientist comes forward in the movement for Disclosure. Emery talks D.U.M.B, ET’s working alongside government contractors, ET DNA…

Humans from the Future, Timeline Wars, Aliens, Consciousness & Ascension

Anshar, Time Travel and Inner Earth. This presentation was given October 28th 2017 Empowered Light Hollistic Expo http://www.empoweredlight.com Go to—-https://www.BlueAvians.com for free Cosmic Disclosure Episodes with Corey Goode

Global Galactic League of Nations, 22 Alien Genetic Experiments, and Secret Space Programs

Presentation was given Sept 20 2017 at the Ufology World Congress in Montserrat Spain. Go to—-https://www.BlueAvians.com for free Cosmic Disclosure Episodes with Corey Goode

Pedofilia Deep State Pizzagate Parte I e II

Parte I Pedofilia Deep State Pizzagate Parte I. Siamo fortunati ad avere in giro persone fantastiche, informatori e leakers che ci aiutano ad avere le informazioni, e abbiamo anche…

David Wilcock: la “Luce Verde”: Non sarebbe Bello?

30 Giugno 2012By Richard Tre diversi insider hanno riferito indipendente a Drake che gli arresti di massa sono imminenti. Abbiamo parlato personalmente con Drake al telefono per avere gli…

La Scienza dell’Uno – cap. 1 introduzione prima parte

29 Luglio 2009By Richard 1.1 IL CAMBIO DI ERA Virtualmente tutte le religioni del mondo, le fedi spirituali, le società segrete e gli insegnamenti sciamanici delle popolazioni indigene, insistono…