Categoria: Insegnamenti

Revisione “CGI immagini grafiche computerizzate, spiegazione”

Oops NASA Forgot to Edit an IFS Interview Stagehand Out

Whoops, 4th wall broken again, this time by a stagehand, who seems to defy anti-gravity since he’s not wearing a harness.

Mud Flood Chat – Stellium7 – Gigantic creatures of the past

The Androgynous Race

I go over the Androgynous race. A secret that has been preserved through Allegory and Myth.

PISTONO, il robot che prepara la catastrofe.

Il vero killer è il Pistono che è in noi. Lui è solo un macrochip. Breve considerazione sulle dinamiche con cui il potere si svela, restando segreto.

Megalithic Softening of Stone


Quando una persona muore, lascia dietro di se il ricordo che vive nella memoria e nell’affetto delle persone che lo hanno conosciuto e amato e nel valore delle sue…


Banca Veneciana I: El FMI del medievo que mató a millones de personas – Jorge Guerra

The Forgotten Ancient Swastikas – p 23 / When the Survivors of Atlantis Wake Up

David Wilcock: Antarctic Atlantis and Secret Space Program 2019

Are we on the verge of hearing about ruins under the Antarctic ice, directly from the mainstream media itself? Is this a last-ditch plan to distract us from other…

Civil war in USA – was a cover up story?

Let’s just look at the some old photos and think a little bit… P.S. some people asked me to tell where i take photo from – so i cannot…

The Unknown Face of Sacro Bosco (Parco dei Mostri) – part 6 of the 2018 Italy Expedition

Do We ‘Exist’ Before We Are Born? Susan Manewich Shares What She Recalls + Extraterrestrial Contactee Explains What ‘They’ Did & Looked Like

Does life exist before birth? This is a question that’s been contemplated for thousands of years. Susan Manewich describes her story in an interview series with did with her…

How Gravity Works on Flat Earth

Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton’s imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects…

Some Truths You Probably Don’t Really Want to Hear

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will…

Ancient Towers Discovered

This video is about the towers of Bologna, San Gimignano, and Tibet.

Eric Dubay Banned From YouTube

In December 2017 YouTube banned my entire channel of 135,000 subscribers and over 28 million views for a single “hate-speech” strike on my video “Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew…

Flat Earth, Dark Rift, Dome, Myth, & Cataclysm

Non ci sono i sottotitoli in inglese a questo link, se siete interessati chiedete e vi fornirò quelli che ho generato dal filmato.

Extremely Advanced Ancient Civilization Evidence That Will Leave You Absolutely Bewildered

akes us around the world looking at astonishing megalithic structures and ancient technology that continues to baffle main stream archaeologists to this day. Were they able to soften rock…

Lost Civilizations Documentary 2019 Cities Beneath the Jungles, Deserts and Seas

The Best Flat Earth Documentary

The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by myself, Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the…

Risonanza Schumann di Renzo Mondaini

Vi spiego un semplice metodo per rilevare la risonanza Schumann, un’onda elettromagnetica avente la frequenza di circa 8 Hertz, con relative armoniche, che alimentata dalle scariche dei fulmini, si…

Antarctica Updates, CLE updates, OBE & Viewer Q&A

8 ORE di fotografie dei passati genocidi dei governi mondiali

The Largest Tree InThe World?