Categoria: Tecnologia

Ascension & End Times Prophecy QnA- Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves

End-time prophesies can be found throughout the myths and legends of every major culture and religion on Earth. Are these prophesies based on actual events from the past? Is…

Le immagini satellitari della NASA rivelano prove scioccanti dell’ingegneria del clima

Per quanto riguarda le verità difficili da accettare e spiacevoli, un’immagine vale più di mille parole. Le immagini fotografiche mostrate di seguito sono state catturate da fonti satellitari della NASA,…

Plato’s Lost Island of Atlantis Revisited Part 1: Evidence for Rockall Bank | Ancient Architects

Just under a year ago I made two videos on the theory that Rockall Bank, located to the northwest of Ireland, is a strong contender for the lost island…

Mud Flood Advanced Research – Three years of mud flood

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…

Mud Flood Advanced Research – Dust storms are mud flood post effects

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…

Origine antropica del riscaldamento globale non è dimostrata

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…

Ancient Temple Shows Cell Phone & Wrist Watch? Built with Psychic Powers?

Hey guys, today we are going to see an ancient Hindu temple, which is truly unforgettable. Even if you try to forget it, it will be impossible for you…

The Truth About Facebook

Qualsiasi cosa è una menzogna

“L’illusione della libertà continuerà fino a quando sarà redditizio continuare con questa illusione. Nel momento in cui l’illusione diventerà troppo costosa da mantenere, abbatteranno lo scenario, levando i tavoli…

TARTARIA Explained! pt1 & pt2: The Irish Connection & Phoenician Architects

In Plato’s TIMAEUS we find a very interesting story that can shed some light to this TARTARIA MYSTERY. We explore possible reasons for the fall of the Tartarian Empire…

Foundlings and the Orphan Train

Looking at the epidemic of orphaned children in the 19th century and how they may be the key to understanding how people were reintroduced into the cities

GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Flood, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla

GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Food, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla inventions. This episode takes a close look at what the Mandela effect is, and could it be responsible for a…

Cosmic Briefing – David Wilcock & Corey Goode Reunion Interview 2019

The first interview with David Wilcock and Corey Goode since they left their weekly hit television series. DAVID WILCOCK & COREY GOODE RETURN The video goes live 9pm est…

Piramidi, Mondo WiFi e il nostro Codice Genetico

Su internet ci sono molte fonti di informazione sulle piramidi, ma nessuna di loro approfondisce quelle che puntano a livello genetico. Questo episodio esplora, rivela e dimostra i legami…

Inondazioni create con la manipolazione meteo

United States B.C.

1. Notre Dame 2019 2. Ohio giants 1846 3. Tartaria 1846 This episode, United Stated B.C. (before Columbus), will take us on a tour of pre America and the…

American Gods | All Roads Lead to Rome ▶️️

1. Notre Dame 2019 2. Ohio giants 1846 3. Tartaria 1846

How the Ancients Cut Stone with Sound and Acoustic Levitation | Ancient Architects

Tartarians vs. Barbarians | UAP

To the giants, we were like ants, however we apparently were big twerps too. Welcome to 16th Century Antwerp. Maps weren’t new, the revisions were. I’m comparing paintings of…

The Hidden Dangers of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation ~ Arthur Firstenberg ~ English subtitles

Mystic Brew: Tartary Series – Pagans, the Bogey(wo)man of Antiquity, The Amazons, Tartaria/Olde Culture and Calling Walter Bosley

We might need a new cosmology” is an idea put forth by a youtuber and I would agree. The one we we born into has led us down an…


Table of Contents 00:17 – Intro 01:35 – The Suppression of Consciousness 03:34 – Atlantis and The Deluge 05:49 – The Irish, Roots of Astrotheology, The Aryan Race, 14:41 – Who are the Celts? 21:03 – Phoenicians and the Hyperboreans25:05 – SUMMARY

Revisione “CGI immagini grafiche computerizzate, spiegazione”

Oops NASA Forgot to Edit an IFS Interview Stagehand Out

Whoops, 4th wall broken again, this time by a stagehand, who seems to defy anti-gravity since he’s not wearing a harness.

How Big Oil Conquered the World

RANSCRIPT AND SOURCES:  From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that…