The Hidden Dangers of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation ~ Arthur Firstenberg ~ English subtitles

Part 1/4: Education about the human body with a natural DIRECT current 130 V. electrical system, the same as earth, and all other earthly beings. This natural electrical system is attacked by the man-made electricity (230V) unnatural ALTERNATING current, which irradiates an electromagnetic field that interferes with, which is an environmental assault on, the very vulnerable human body systems, like nerves, blood vessels, organs, lymph, meridians, acupuncture points, chakras, and dantians. The unnatural interference has increased immensely since the year 1980, when the first cell phones came on the market. The information is based on the scientific research of 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. The deadly effect of 5G on all life on earth, will be explained in part number 4. – 14.392 visualizzazioni
– 29 gen 2019
Part 2/4: Arthur Firstenberg details the correlation of the first and successive worldwide influenza epidemics with the global installation and use of electricity—first, telegraph wires, then electric lighting, and then cell phones. Arthur Firstenberg describes how during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, the deadliest flu epidemic the world has ever had, doctors tried all kinds of ways to infect healthy people to prove the flu was contagious. Try as they might, they could not infect one healthy person. Arthur Firstenberg also relates the history of the American 1996 Telecommunications Act, and how it came to be that Americans are not even allowed to talk about cell towers from the point of view of health concerns at their City Council and Planning Commission meetings. – 7.015 visualizzazioni
– 3 feb 2019
Part 3/4: Education about EMF as the cause of diabetes, heart disease like atheroscleroris, and cancer. Arthur Firstenberg also talks about the scientific research on the effects of EMF on animals, bees, birds, insects, amphibians and forests. Metabolism is a keyword in this part number three, because EMF interferes in the metabolism, the electrons transport, the life energy named chi, which leads to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. – 3.697 visualizzazioni
– 30 mar 2019
Education about 5G, EMF radiation, WiFi refugees, EMF shielding, cell phones, the telecom industry, and why it is important to become an activist against 5G. – 3.285 visualizzazioni
– 3 apr 2019