Categoria: Archeologia

Tartaria clues PT.1 mudflood/hidden realm clues through pictures

#tartar#tartary#tartarian#mudflood#reset#tartaria#tartarclues#tartaryclues#tartarianclues#mudfloodclues#resetclues#tartariaclues#tartarHD#tartaryHD#tartarianHD#mudfloodHD#resetHD#tartariacluesHD In this followup live stream we’ll continue the discussion about Mud Floods and the Tartarian Empire with Richards Lopez and Martin Liedtke.

The Tartarian Empire, Mud Floods, & Hidden History (Pt.1)

On this podcast I’ll be joined by Richard Lopez. Richard has been heading into the research concerning the Tartarian empire, Mud Floods, and our hidden history. We will be…

Tartaria The Oldest Language Thracians on Flat Earth

5000 BC Bulgaria pre-dates Ancient Egypt Hieroglyphs The Cradle of Civilization Thracian Scripts Decoded Ancient Astrological Charts Non ci sono i sottotitoli in inglese a questo link, se siete…

Cataclysmic Mudfloods and the History of the Tartarian Empire Expunged

GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Flood, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla

GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Food, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla inventions. This episode takes a close look at what the Mandela effect is, and could it be responsible for a…

End of Great Tartaria

A video about The End of Great Tartaria the beginning of western civilization. When does our timeline really begin? Who were the Tartars? 


Mirrored and Remixed video from Age of Disclosure channel (closed)!

History Revised Xirtus Tartaria Documentary

Tartaria: The Largest Country Hidden By Fake History

Tatar tribe and Tatar invasion were taught in school, but the Tartarian empire as an official country wasn’t. The largest country was hidden by fake history. The false historical…

Le porte degli Elohim. Incontro con Massimo Barbetta. La Vetrina Nascosta

Insieme allo studioso e traduttore dei Testi delle Piramidi, il grande esperto di egittologia Massimo Barbetta ci conduce in un viaggio alla scoperta dei misteri dell’antica civiltà egizia. Antichità…

David Wilcock: Behind Majestic

DIVINE COSMOS PRESENTS: BEHIND MAJESTIC INTERVIEW SERIES WITH DAVID WILCOCK, PART 1 of 6 In a riveting series of interviews, New York times best-selling author David Wilcock tells all…

David Wilcock with Graham Hancock: The Secret Origin of Humanity

Join David Wilcock in this classic interview with legendary scholar Graham Hancock, author of “Fingerprints of the Gods.” Our conventional model for dating the origin of human civilization assumes…

David Wilcock | Financial Tyranny on Russian TV, Pt. 1 & 2: Jan. 16 & 30, 2013

Did the Federal Reserve bankers secretly finance both sides of World War I and II — to rob central banks, and steal their gold, on a worldwide basis? Did…

David Wilcock: Cabal Defeat is Looming (Russian Mainstream TV Show!)

21 million people in Russia and neighboring countries watched REN-TV reveal the imminent defeat of the New World Order in this stunning expose’ with David Wilcock. This three-hour 8PM…

Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica

Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica ☾✫☾✫☾✫☾✫ في سنة 1929 اكتشف احد المؤرخين خريطة . والتي كانت رسمت على قطعة من جلد غزال…

La storia è una menzogna, noi siamo stati strutturati

Dal canale di Max Igan “thecrowhouse” Trovatelli e il treno degli orfani Sito russo dei caminetti per energia gratis… Le antiche svastiche dimenticate

Paracas Peru Skulls

Antiche tavolette Sumere rivelano che la terra fu governata per 241.000 anni da otto Re

La Lista Reale Sumerica è un antico testo scritto nella lingua sumera, nel quale sono elencati i regnanti di Sumer con rispettiva durata dei loro regni. Oltre a riferimenti…

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Emery Smith at Dimensions of Disclosure

#davidwilcock#coreygoode#emerysmith Dimensions of Disclosure talk with David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Time travel, alien races, ascension, telepathy and more. Sign in to stay in touch with David at

Megalithic Ollantaytambo In Peru Was Built Before The Inca

Though most academics insist that the megalithic works at Ollantaytambo in Peru was solely constructed by the Inca, this video will show you that the Inca in fact reconstructed…

La Storia Nascosta dell’Umanità

Questo video (ideato da P. Lindsay) presenta la Storia delle origini dell’Umanità basata sull’Insegnamento esoterico portato in occidente da Blavatsky alla fine del XIX secolo.


da UnUniverso traduzione dal sito di Nick Polizzi Nel video che qui traduco, Graham Hancock spiega come ci stanno mancando delle informazioni importantissime sul nostro passato, soprattutto relative all’epoca intorno…

Storia di un golpe in Venezuela (doppiato in ITA)

Who is eating humans ?

Who are those cannibals ? Does the history lie on Paris underground bones?

I 5 ritrovamenti scomodi per l’archeologia ufficiale

Sappiamo che molti oggetti trovati in tutto il mondo, non si adattano alla storia dell’umanità. Sono considerati elementi scomodi, e per questo motivo sono stati scartati dalle autorità che…


da del Dr. Stephen Guide, un bulgaro-americano residente in California, ha dichiarato che numerosi resoconti dei media sono stati pubblicati immediatamente prima e dopo la conferenza stampa tenutasi…