Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Moon & Stars. Solomon’s Gold Series 13E

The elusive prophecies of Revelation have been an enigma to most for several centuries at least. It seems the more we get closer to modern times, the more information we have lost regarding the understanding of Biblical geography and prophecy many times. We prove this many times over on this channel and so do others. But are those days changing. Are the modern dark ages over? Are we in the days of increasing knowledge as predicted by Daniel or better is all evil being exposed with the light of truth? We believe we are entering those days and we believe it is time to know how to interpret Revelation 12. We identified the woman in the last video and now for the man child she births in Heaven who is then taken to the throne room of Yahuah. What about this symbology though – the sun, moon and stars? Does this identify more? Does it tell us what land on Earth that becomes the setting for this event on Earth? This is compelling.

34.622 visualizzazioni – 6 feb 2019