Hermit of Loreto…

Tourism: England stabs Portugal in the back (again)
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The Empire Bombed Serbia to Seize Kosovo in 1999

Ghislaine Maxwell collaborerà totalmente e “farà nomi”

L’Elite pedofila mondiale sarà esposta dopo l’arresto di Maxwell o lei verrà suicidata?

Maxi-blitz anti pedopornografia, arresti in 15 regioni: tra le vittime anche neonati

3231.- Spunta l’esposto contro il governo: “Uccisi malati in terapia intensiva”


Laptop Lifestyle – Job Automation V4L


The financial muscle of Big Pharma has been busy distorting science during the pandemic

Trump Gives History Lesson, Slams ‘Left-Wing Cultural Revolution’ In Mount Rushmore Address

Mexico’s military kills 12 cartel members in a shootout just 10 miles from the border with Texas

Watch: Young Americans Totally Ignorant Of What July 4th Represents

Canadian scuba diver in Mexico accidentally discovers vast, prehistoric industrial complex

114-year-old Ethiopian ‘recovers from coronavirus’

the Near Future? Silver is susceptible to wild swings, manipulation and disruptions.

Going all-in on stocks and shares: Is this the right time? It’s said that there’s a time for everything, and everything has a time. With stock markets especially, timing is everything.

1 million dead people received federal bailout checks The total amount of money which was sent to dead people came to about $1.4 billion, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.

New Bubonic Plague Cases Send Mongolian Region Along Russian Border On Lockdown

Farrakhan Accuses Fauci And Bill Gates Of Plotting To ‘Depopulate The Earth’ With Coronavirus Vaccine

Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily “To Protect Their Privacy”

La Russia condanna i bombardamenti israeliani in Siria

Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell sono solo la punta dell’iceberg, la storia va molto più in profondità

La famiglia reale inglese in crisi, appare foto con i pedofili Ghislaine Maxwell e Kevin Spacey che siedono sui troni reali

Mentre la gente era distratta Hillary Clinton ha perso l’appello e dovrà testimoniare sulle sue email il 9 Settembre


Confindustria attacca il governo: in Italia non viene raccontata la realtà

Profezia del 1983 “Donald Trump riporterà l’America a Dio”

President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy


Linee guida per la lettura di diversi articoli,  Forze della Luce