Tag: Children

Bill Gates ha paralizzato mezzo milione di bambini con vaccini contro la poliomielite: vogliamo davvero che vaccini il mondo per il coronavirus?

da UnUniverso È difficile capire come un uomo le cui iniziative sui vaccini hanno ferito e ucciso migliaia di bambini innocenti in tutto il mondo, stia ora ricevendo mandato…

Resoconto delle operazioni militari sotterranee e dello smantellamento dei laboratori di Adrenochrome

di Mark A. Baughman, 24 aprile 2020 traduzione da UnUniverso Quello che segue sono aggiornamenti sulle battaglie segrete e la guerra che si sta combattendo nelle basi e tunnel…

Messaggio L’Evento è in corso – di Aldo del Cielo via Michael Love (english too, español tambien)

Trascrizione e traduzione del messaggio video. Tutto bene, qualche giorno ancora. (English transcription at bottom) Messaggio che l’evento è in corso – di Aldo del Cielo Stasera gli angelici…

Introducing A NEW WORLD Free from financial slavery – UBUNTU & Contributionism by Michael Tellinger

CORRECTION: I am aware that Wolfgang Goethe was a German – I accidentally call him Austrian in this presentation – for some reason I was contemplating the Austro-Hungarian empire…

La Russia insiste, Israele è un paradiso per Pedofili e Sodomiti, e li bandisce dall’adozione dei bambini russi

The Moscow Times     Sa Defenza  SODOMIA? NO GRAZIE! L’accordo è stato accolto con indignazione dalla comunità israeliana LGBT, con i critici che dicono sia una posizione contrastante di Israele sui…

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

Aired:  October 21st, 2014 – New York CityDocument 54 pages –  Lock Step – Read page 19E X C E R P T S  –  B E L O…

Regulations.gov  –

Please do not reply to this message. This email is from a notification only address that cannot accept incoming email. Your comment was submitted successfully! Comment Tracking Number: 1k3-9dlz-xj2o Your…

Something About COPPA (13+ Content)

Protecting Children’s Privacy under COPPA Steps you can take: Leave the FTC a comment (be respectful and make a case for why this ruling needs to be rewritten): https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D……

The Secret of Secrets, Untold True History of Humanity

The secret of secrets, the true story of everything, all there exists from the beginning of time until now. Listen, human, you are the most supreme creation of the…

The Possible Link between Autism and Glyphosate Acting as Glycine Mimetic – A Review of Evidence from the Literature with Analysis

Introduction Since 1980, the number of children known to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically. However this increase is thought to be at least partly due to…

Foundlings and the Orphan Train

Looking at the epidemic of orphaned children in the 19th century and how they may be the key to understanding how people were reintroduced into the cities

Secret Egypt; The Grand Canyon Discoveries, Denial and 33 Deceptions

Secret Egypt; The Grand Canyon Discoveries, Denial and 33 Deceptions In this week’s explosive episode I cover the reported discoveries made in 1909 of Egyptian artifacts, underground tunnels, and…

The Earth Plane (Italian)

The Earth Plane is a full-color illustrated science adventure story that follows a young boy and his grandfather through a series of scientific experiments and expeditions ending in an…

The Church’s Dark Secret: The Hidden Truth behind Child Abuse

A Pennsylvania grand jury revealed that a succession of hundreds of Catholic priests abused thousands of children, the abuse went on for decades. Now, thousands of Catholic’s are now…